I ordered this fancy ass USB microphone (Samson CO1U USB Condenser Mic) that goes right into the computer? Here's the thing....
The GOOD that it's so fucking awesome of a microphone that it picks up literally...
shit from space.
I'm not kidding.
I'm hearing stuff on here that...
I can't even remotely hear with my ears...
and ask anyone who's ever dated me or lived with me...
i have sonar hearing. I can hear a kid crying three buildings away.
So...for this microphone to be picking up stuff I can't hear?
Now the BAD that it's so fucking awesome of a microphone that it picks up literally...
I am going out of my MIND with this thing.
It's making me CRAZY.
And, noo...
i am NOT going to tell you all the things specifically that are making me crazy with it because chances are I'm just being incredibly over sensitive to it...
and if i tell you...
and then you listen to the CD....
you will automatically be over sensitive to it too...
which you probably wouldn't have been if i hadn't called your attention to it....
and then that's not gonna be good for anyone.
I've tried using my crappier microphone-
which is 'cleaner' but....very hollow sounding.
i'm finding i like it for the instruments but...not for the vocals.
I even accidentally thought I had my mike plugged in and recorded just via the computer's microphone. Again, some things i liked about it...some things definitely not. So...the USB mike is the way to go...i just HAVE to figure a way around some issues with it.
My awesome sound mix master extraordinaire Jay Atwood ( has sent me many suggestions such as covering my computer, unplugging my fridge, putting comforters up on the windows, maybe even going into a closet, etc, etc, etc....
personally i prefer rocking back and forth in a fetal position.
But ya know, that's me.
cause i'm a professional.
where I recorded on both mikes-
and he tewtally called which was the better microphone so....
i'm just being retarded, basically.
I think i may have finally found somewhat of a solution, however...
the bathroom.
Nice ring, small space, can buffer stuff with towels (handily, already in there), complete with door. Here. Please to enjoy the finest things that a budget of a piece of straw and a used napkin can bring:
I have a work station in the main part of my studio...
and now i have a station in the bathroom.
At least one part of where i work is actually called a studio.